Breathing in warming waters
Modelling the effect of warming on fish respiratory performance
Modelling body temperature of ectotherms
using this Shiny app!Indicadores de información
Some recommendations for the use of AIC BIC and DIC
Tamaño corporal y latitud determinan el riesgo térmico para los lagartos
Comparando modelos biofísicos y datos fisiológicos - Noticia URJC científica!
Modeling resting and maximum metabolic rates
with our Shiny app!
Impacts of warming on fish physiology
How body size, temperature and oxygen affect fish metabolism - great article by McGill Tribune!
Biophysical modelling of thermoregulatory costs
Associations between thermoregulatory energy expenditure and glucocorticoid levels in birds
Thermreogulation and flight constrain bat morphology
Energy requierements drive the evolution of body size and wing surface area across bat species